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The NCEP Climate Forecast System and Reanalysis

发布时间:2024-05-22 14:42:05 发布人:唐振东  

报告时间:5月25日(星期六) 15:00-15:30


会 议 号:Zoom 89797221416 (线下+视频)


Reanalyses are produced by statistically adjusting a previous short-term numerical forecast to available observations during the forecast period. They serve as comprehensive integrative tools. Integrating the various components of the Earth system in reanalyses poses significant challenges. Observations are pivotal in reanalysis production, and ongoing advancements in algorithms and quality control are continuously enhancing their accuracy. Further challenges persist in addressing model biases as new data are assimilated and the observational record evolves.


吴兴仁,资深研究员,IMSG at Environmental Modeling Center of the NCEP,NOAA。北京大学(1986)本科,澳大利亚墨尔本大学(1993)博士。吴博士长期在澳大利亚和美国等研究机构从事数值模式研发研究,具有丰富的地球系统模式研发经验,包含大气陆地海洋海冰耦合模式和CFSR再分析,应用于美国气候预报。

